Monday, August 17, 2015

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

It's Resolution Time

While I was at the gym today I noticed a few things:
1.  There were WAY more people there than usual (like seriously, a TON)
2.  There were quite a few people there that didn't seem to WANT to work out... lol.  Seriously, multiple people who were on bikes and BARELY pedaling!  This actually made me giggle a little.  and 3.  Only 15% of these people will make it through January.

That last one is a little depressing :-(  Yup, most articles I've read state that only 15% of resolutions are kept up!  How depressing is that?

An article I read recently listed the WORST New Year's Resolutions You Can Make.  Wanna see the list?
1.  I will completely cut out [insert unhealthy vice here]!
2.  I will reach my goal weight by summer!
3.  I will join a [gym, health club, exercise class]!
4.  I will spend more quality time with my [friends, spouse, family]!
5.  I will max out my savings account this year!

There are many reasons why they say Resolutions like this don't work and even more ideas on how to make Resolutions that do (because, seriously, that's what we all want, right?  A resolution that we can stick to?).  Here's some ideas instead:
- When you cut out something completely, you can feel deprived and no one likes that.  How about choosing to add something good instead?  Want to cut out sugar?  Soda?  Carbs?  Consider cutting back on them and adding in something good instead.  Revamp: I will eat less sugar and eat x amount of veggies each day.  Try to be specific with the goal (don't just say "I'll eat healthier").
- Don't try to change everything at once!  OMGoodness... Can you imagine cutting out sugar, carbs, gluten, joining a gym, and resolving to work out for 1 hour 6 days a week?  Talk about being burnt out QUICK!  Try one at a time instead to help yourself stay motivated!  Revamp:  I will join a gym and get there 3 days a week.
- Look back at your resolutions frequently!  You don't have to wait until the New Year to make a resolution!  So you've cut out all soda, YAY!  Now what?  Move onto something else.  Oh, but it's June... SO?  If you're wanting to make a change, make it, there's no time like the present!  Revamp:  Resolve to make changes at anytime throughout the year!

My resolution?  I have a horrible time comparing myself to others.  It's just who I am and how I've always been.  Don't ask me why, I really don't know.  So this year?  I refuse to let anyone make me feel inadequate or inferior.  I work, go to school, own/operate a business, keep our house standing, am a wife, and have some pretty fantastic boys!  Our house may not be spotless, I may not get to stay home with my kids, and I may not get date nights as much as I'd like, BUT God has blessed us with our home, my kids are loved and healthy, and I have a hubby who works just as hard beside me.  I work my tail off and am FAR from inadequate!  This is the year I stop feeling as such.  :-)

What's your resolution?  Happy New Year!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Being A Parent Is Hard


I'm sure you've all heard the saying "it takes a village".  Totally true!  We can't do this alone!  If nothing else (moms especially), need the support of other moms... Those who are where we are... Those who have been there, done that.  Mentors, Peers, FRIENDS!  

My kids are no angels, but they are FAR from being heathens and I'd like to think that overall they try to be good and have good hearts!  We're trying really hard to instill certain traits into our children (responsibility, accountability, trust); this is really hard when other adults don't help us with that :-(

A got in trouble at church today. Why? For hitting another little kid.  The teacher pulled him out of class and brought him to us (we were volunteering across the hall).  My first thought was "would she have called us our of service for this?  Or was he only taken out of class because we were close at hand?"  
Anyway, Chris took him aside and this is what transpired:
Chris:  A, what happened?
A: He hit me (points at chest).  For those that don't know him, this is a BIG deal!  A has never been a talker, but we're trying super hard to get him to use his words.
Chris:  Then what happened?
A: I hit him in the pace (face)! (Points to cheek).  At this point he's hanging his head and acting REALLY remorseful.
Discussion about how it's not ok to hit ensues, etc. We also tell him that he needs to apologize to the teacher for disrupting Sunday School and to the little kid.

Now I think we handled it ok... I mean, he's 3!  Right?

I saw the teacher in the hall later and relayed what A had told us (on his own, mind you!  There was NO prompting on our part.).  Response?  "That's not what happened, I saw A hit him".  Ummm, ok? It's not possible that you missed the first part? I mean, they're 3!  A has never just hit someone without a 'reason' (stole a toy, pushed, hit, etc.).  His story seems completely logical to me.  Why, at 3, would he make that up?  And why, as a Sunday School teacher to 3 year olds, wouldn't you at least humor the fact that the 3 year old is saying he was hit first?  To say I was frustrated would be an understatement.

I felt so bad for A!  Not that he knows or understands what transpired but I do!  I know that my child was being called a liar and I know that his story was being dismissed as irrelevant.  

We need people to believe us and our kids.  I couldn't imagine telling A, at 3, that he was lying and that's not what happened.  Wouldn't that just teach him not to tell the truth because it wouldn't be believed?  Or not to trust those that are in charge because they're never wrong?  My heart hurts for him and I'm deeply saddened because this was someone I looked up to and thought of as a mentor.  For her to be so dismissive of what I was telling her hurt!  

I realize as kids grow up, they're bound to lie, make up stories, bend the truth, etc.  But I'd like to believe at 3 that's just not really in their nature yet.  Am I wrong?  
Parenting Community

Friday, January 2, 2015

More than you can handle

It has been a LOOONNNNGGG time since I've written anything... 1. I'm not a writer, period, I never have been but I sometimes wonder if getting something down on virtual paper would be a good stress reliever, perhaps?  2. You would not BELIEVE how crazy busy things have been lately!  I'm trying really hard to get things under control but sometimes I can't help but wonder if that's even possible. lol.

At a recent MOPs (Mothers of Preschoolers) meeting I broke down, quite literally!  I'm talking tears, ugly crying, etc. it wasn't great at all, those that know me know I DON'T do that; ESPECIALLY not in public!  Anyway, while talking to a friend/mentor of mine I mentioned that God only gives us what we can handle and therefore, I'll be fine.  Her response?  No, God gives you more than you can handle.  If He only gave you what YOU could handle you wouldn't need Him.

WOW!  I'd never thought of it like that. I've always heard "He only gives us what we can handle".  To suddenly think that NO, He gives us more so we can rely on Him!  That's an amazing realization.  First Corinthians talks about God being faithful and making sure that we can handle what we're given; NOT that he won't give us more than we think we can handle.  He promises to give us a way out, an escape; all we have to do is have faith in Him.

Over the last few years I'd like to think that I've grown in my faith.  I'm no where NEAR where I think I should be for a 32 year old Christian but God knows my heart and knows that I'm trying.  I didn't have the same faith built childhood that lots of people I know did and I routinely feel like that puts me 'behind'.  I try hard to realize that God has me right where he wants me, not where everyone else is or should be, but ME.  I wouldn't be who I am today or where I am today without those experiences as a child whether they were faith taught or not.  I am who I am.  I am who God made me to be.  Thankfully, He allows me to grow daily!  Happy New Year, everyone!