Monday, February 14, 2011

There's just so many things...

that I'm not happy with. Ok, so this may sound just awful but I'm not sure that's how I mean it. I love my life! I have a fabulous husband, a wonderful house, wonderful pets and some great friends. This post is more about me, and why shouldn't it be? ;-)

As I enter my last year of my 20's; I realize that some things need to change. I've been in the DC area for a little over 2 years and have few (if any) good, dependable friends. Mostly meaning that I have few that I could turn to and vent, that I could call and say 'hey wanna hang' and they would, that I can vent to and would understand what I was talking about. This is upsetting to me. I'd like to consider myself a good friend. I'm invested, loyal and a great listener. My downside? I'm not very out going. I'm extremely shy when I don't know people and I think this seriously hurts me when it comes to meeting people. :-( Chris and I have been going to a new church for almost a year now and I think it's safe to say that I still don't have a single person in our class that I would consider a 'friend'. Don't get me wrong, there's lots of people that I talk to and that I completely like but none have really shown the interest to take it any further. I would love to have friends that when we miss class would notice and ask where we were... wonder if everything is ok... we just don't have that right now. Now again, I'm not saying that I'm not to blame :-( Because I am so introverted it makes it difficult.

SO, with all this being said this is one of my changes! I will be more open and try to be more outgoing. Now is the time for change! This will be extremely hard for me but I vow to try; that's what matters, righ? :-)

Next on my list is to continue to be healthier. Now, this kinda flew out the window in the last few months because with little bean I've been STARVING TO DEATH! Seriously, I feel like I eat all the time, like I just can't seem to eat enough... but lucky for me, this seems to have tapered off a little in the last few weeks. This means I can get back to normal :-) I can go back to eating normally and on the healthier track that I was headed. Now that I'm not so exhausted (seriously I felt like could just pass out every time I got home from work) I can get back to exercising. Not being able to work out because I didn't have the energy was rough for me but my energy level seems to have come back to normal! YAY energy!!

Other things I'm changing are my organization, time management and home improvements... all of these things will be slow and steady but they WILL happen :-)

So, that's my 29 year resolutions :-) What do ya'll think??