Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Aiden - 17 Weeks

So although this is your 17 week update and photo, you turn 4 months on Monday so this will also serve as your 4 month update :-) here we go!!

Snuggles, being warm, mommy, daddy, eating, laying on your tummy, your crib, car rides, laying on mommy, your white noise machine, sleeping, your rings on your carseat, grabbing for anything and everything (to include mommy's hair), laughing at daddy (he gets so many laughs... I get jealous of this sometimes but then I realize that I get the awesome hugs!), OH, hugging mommy ;-)

Being cold, diaper changes, waking up in the morning, going to sleep (but love it once you get there... lol)

Baby, Monkey, Monkey-face, Monkey-bug (family nickname)

Current size:
You are still in 0-3 but I don't think it will last much longer. Your pants are fitting great but your shirts are getting a tad snug... no where near having to move up right now since the 3-6 mo stuff is still big.

I love you so much Monkey and couldn't imagine life without you!

So this is what happens when daddy turns his head to mess with his camera...
You eat the material! lol...

Photo Bomb

Working makes it really difficult to post Aiden's pics in a timely fashion... or post at all apparently :-/ Sooooooo, that means you get photo-bombed! :-) Yay for you, right? lol. So here's week 14-16. I'll have to post week 17 in a different post since that involves his 4 month update as well...

**The fabric is in honor of Thanksgiving**
He sure does love bath time!
Although lately he's been kinda iffy...

Gingerbread men for Christmas time :-)