Tuesday, October 5, 2010

GLEE (anti-christian?)

So there's apparently lots of controversy about tonight's Glee episode... As of this moment it's still going on, so this controversy kind of upsets me. Many people are saying that it's sac-religious and anti-christian. I can see where people are coming from, but I also have to look at it with some realism... this is what goes on every day! This is what our children face every day at school... we face every day at work... this is the way our country is. Not everyone believe the same and haves the same religion, or any at all... We as Christians need to do just as Mercedes did and look down at them but show them that maybe there is something better than nothing. I'm interested to see how this ends, but so far it seems pretty straight forward and on point with our society today... More in a bit!

OK, so now that it's over I'm gonna say that I didn't see anything sac-religious or anti-christian. In fact, it showed nothing more than what we, as Christians, go through every day. Mercedes showed great strength by doing what she did and we should strive to do the same. While I'm not sure I agree with how they brought the points across, I do agree with the outcome and the moral... Good job Glee.