Monday, November 28, 2011

Monday, Monday...

Hi everyone!
I know I'm behind on posting pictures of my adorable son (no? lol) and I'm so sorry for that... I do have them, it's just been a little busy around here with the holidays and such. I promise they'll be us soon! Hopefully with some new posts as well... happy Monday everyone!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Aiden - 11-13 weeks

*this was written at 13 weeks, was just waiting for a second to edit the photos... so please ignore the present talk tense... it was actually a week ago*

ok, ok... I know I've missed a few weeks of updates but I didn't think there was enough to talk about from week to week. I'm sure there was but eh... :-)

He sure is growing like a weed! He won't go in for another check-up until 4 months so I can't tell you what his height and weight are exactly but I tried at about 13 weeks and he weighed about 13 pounds and was about 24 inches long.

Now onto the BIG news! On Veteran's Day (11-11-11) Aiden decided he was ready to roll over (belly to back)! I was so proud... exactly 12 weeks! He's rolled over in the past (since a few days after birth even!) but this was the first time it was intentional.

As I write this I'm watching Chris and Aiden carry on a conversation. It's absolutely hilarious! These are definitely the moments I'm going to miss as he gets bigger...

He also turned 3 months this week (Saturday)! So here's the rundown...

These are still pretty similar to last month... Snuggles, being warm, mommy, daddy, eating, your rock n play, your tummy time machine, snuggles with mommy, the sound of the vacuum cleaner, sleeping (and mommy misses you when you sleep from CDC pick up until morning), your hands (especially eating them!), to talk and sing with your mommy and daddy, dancing, laughing

Being cold, diaper changes, your crib (although I think we're going to try to change this soon), waking up in the morning

Baby, Monkey, Monkey-face, Monkey-bug (family nickname)

Current size:
You are still in 0-3 right now. They all fit wonderfully so we'll see how long they last. Maybe you'll be in 3-6 by Christmas... but I'm not too sure. You're still in size 1 diapers as well.

Ok, now onto the fun stuff.... pictures!!

**The fabric is in honor of Veteran's Day**
On the 16th Aiden's class had a military appreciation day... All the babies were told to ask their parents to decorate a white onesie for them to wear that afternoon (Aiden was the only one who followed those directions!)
Next up? Thanksgiving! :-)