Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Aiden - 1 week

I follow this blog. One of the most unique things they posted about was taking weekly photos of their little bean. Basically they take a new photo every week on a different yard of fabric and superimpose the week on a plain white onsie.

I thought this was a fantastic idea and decided to do the same with Aiden. After his first year we'll take the 52 photos and create a photo book. Who knows what we'll do with the fabric... I'm thinking maybe a quilt (YHL actually made a runner and some pennants for bean's first birthday). No matter what we decide to do with it, I think it's a fabulous way to track Aiden's growth in his first year. :-)


Thursday, August 25, 2011

Life With Baby - Week 1

For those that aren't aware; we have had our baby boy! Aiden Christopher Gronde was born Friday, 19 August at 0609. He weighed in at 8lb 9 oz and 22 inches long! He's absolutely precious, and perfect, and wonderful, and stunning... and well... I could go on and on... haha!

Anyway, things around Casa de la Gronde have definitely changed... but I'm not sure I'd have it any other way. There's less sleep, more noise, more stuff and definitely more smiles going around these parts! I'm absolutely in LOVE! *swoon*

Aiden is still trying to figure out the whole sleep pattern thing. One night he'll sleep for 6 hours at night and the next he'll be up every 3. The good thing is that he usually goes back to sleep pretty easily. He's currently sleeping in our room in this. It's truly been a blessing! We tried letting him sleep in his crib the second night we were home but that didn't go over too well (he was literally up almost every HOUR!); this just wouldn't do... Rock and Play it is! :-)

Chris started back to school tonight (technically he started yesterday but he/we lost track of the day and he missed his class... oops!); it's the first time just baby and mommy... he decided to sleep through most of it... haha!

OK, time for bed since monkey is out... will post pics soon! :-)